Mobile shopping just got easier.

In one of my blog post a few weeks back, I wrote about how I really disliked shopping on mobile device. The size of the device made it really hard to browse and it isn't easy to switch between tabs which makes the whole situation a bit stressful. However Qubit understands the pain and has recently released a …

Really Facebook?

I'm sure we all know what virtual reality is and the uses for it by now. The uses can span from entertainment purposes to its potential of impacting the future of medicine, architecture and manufacturing and the list goes on. However, Facebook took VR and used it in a very questionable manner. They recently broadcasted …

The new technology that will change the beauty industry

Finding the correct shade is probably the hardest part of make-up shopping. I always end up with an arm full of swatches and being very confused about which one is the right one. The extreme lighting in stores doesn’t make the experience any easier and it also doesn’t help that Australia isn’t blessed with the luxury …

Paid to watch an ad – is this enough to turn off your ad blockers?

I don't use an ad blocker. Yes, I know I could possibly be one of the few people who don't. Unbelievable isn't it? Considering the fact that millennial's are one of the heaviest users of ad blockers. I'm not lying, see! When someone installs an ad blocker, it is doing exactly what it says - blocking …